Destination… Collaboration!

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If we have learned anything in the past two years about business, it must be the importance and skills required to successfully collaborate through teamwork.  Collaboration, in short, is the working practice that enables two or more individuals, entities or organisations to work together for a common business purpose, or to achieve business benefits or […]

Sharpening the Saw

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Stephen Covey listed Sharpening the Saw in his best-seller “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” – this principle was taught for many years as part of our Leadership Training and was contextualized by using challenging circumstances in our lives to enable us to speak using evidence-based learning experiences. The most valuable lessons in life, come […]

How do you experience change?

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Week three of South Africa’s lockdown 2020 is now behind us and people have started sharing with me how different their experiences have been. How are people affected by the lockdown? On the one side, there are people who started working from home when the lockdown began – especially people that are part of essential […]